An Emergency Services District (ESD) is a grassroots government created by voters in an area to fund fire protection, emergency medical services, or both. More than 300 districts are operating in Texas, and more are added at almost every uniform election date. The governing statute for an ESD is Chapter 775 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. An ESD collects taxes based on appraisals of real and personal property and usually contracts with a service provider. There are two types of ESDs: one is for fire protection and the other is for emergency medical services (EMS). more
Here you can get information about the current tax rates.
ESD 7 manages Emergency services for the local Fire Department Response area
ESD 7 proudly supported the EMS and Fire services of the local Fire Department
Travis County Emergency Services District 7
Dedicated to our community
Physical Address:
Fire Department Administration Office
18300 Park Drive
Jonestown, Texas 78645
(512) 267-0080
All Rights Reserved | Travis County Emergency Services District #7